Art Quilts
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This 12 X 12 inch quilt was created late 2019 in response to a regional SAQA challenge 'Flight of Ideas.' At that point we had endured a growing societal regression, headed up by the then-POTUS. It occurred to me that some pretty important American ideals seemed to be in flight from their antithetical counterparts. It just returned from an exhibit tour in the Boston area.
During the pandemic it seems as though everything is seen through the filter of the COVID virus. There is a distant new day, but is that the welcome red sun at night, or the warning of the red sun at morn?
Early exercise in more complex piecing techniques (palm fronds at top), completed after studying Ruth McDowell's book 'Piecing: Expanding the Basics.'
This 12 X 12 inch quilt was created late 2019 in response to a regional SAQA challenge 'Flight of Ideas.' At that point we had endured a growing societal regression, headed up by the then-POTUS. It occurred to me that some pretty important American ideals seemed to be in flight from their antithetical counterparts. It just returned from an exhibit tour in the Boston area.